Planworks Architecture is proud to showcase an exciting new project nearing completion – The ATCO Fort Saskatchewan Operating Centre featuring the Energy Discovery Centre.
This 4,800 sf renovated building has been transformed into a world class demonstration facility and houses an interior showroom and training space, as well as an exterior viewing platform that overlooks the production& blending facility. This facility will allow ATCO to pilot and demonstrate hydrogen technologies and provide employee training on site.
The 2 Acre site is also home to a new 3,000 sf maintenance and storage building which is a complementary use to the Discovery Centre.
Planworks worked closely with ATCO, Harvard Developments and a dynamic consultant team to design a facility to demonstrate and support the commercialization initiatives of clean energy technology.
Starting in late 2022, over 2000 customers in the Fort Saskatchewan became the first in the province to use hydrogen-blended gas to fuel their homes and businesses safely and reliably, and Planworks is proud to be a small part of this innovative technology.