Century Park – Master Planning
Century Park – Master Planning
Along with B&A Planning Consultants, Planworks was approached by Procura and Eagle Builders to undertake a comprehensive DC2 zoned property development ‘Site Master Planning’ exercise for the balance of undeveloped lands at Century Park in south Edmonton, Alberta.
This mixed use, suburban site is partially developed and located at the southern end of Edmonton’s LRT Capital Line and terminus station at 23rdAvenue & 111th Street. Previous master plans established the existing built form, completed in stages to date.
Primary design parameters of this study included an established street grid, internal community ‘Districts’ and proposed urban features such as parks/plazas/boulevards with extensive landscaping. Environmental aspects such as solar insolation, wind shelter and human scale design elements would all lend to blocks having livable civic spaces within cohesive mixed-use (commercial-residential) building block programming.
The planned structures would vary from 8 to 20 stories, with an anticipated ultimate buildout of approximately 4000 housing Units over a decade. Parking would be sensitively incorporated within and beneath a primarily pedestrian focused environment.